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Wego Expands into Business Travel with Acquisition of Travelstop

Jonathan Wong

Jonathan Wong

15 September 2023

Wego's expansion into the business travel sector, facilitated by its acquisition of Travelstop, is a strategic move driven by market opportunities and the company's desire for diversification and growth.

Middle East-based online travel marketplace Wego has acquired corporate travel platform Travelstop as part of its expansion into business travel and expense management.

A Brief History of Travelstop:
Travelstop, founded in 2017 and based in Singapore, aimed to extend the benefits of business travel management to small- and medium-sized enterprises and other modestly-sized businesses throughout Southeast Asia.

Why Travelstop?:
Interestingly, Wego’s Veitch had been an investor in Travelmob and had previous ties with the trio from his Yahoo days, where he had established Yahoo’s Southeast Asian operations in Singapore.