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Ting Hsin Invests S$8 Million in Alchemy Foodtech for Healthier Master Kong Products

Jonathan Wong

Jonathan Wong

24 November 2023

Chinese F&B giant Ting Hsin International Group signs an S$8 million MOU with Singapore startup Alchemy Foodtech to improve the health profile of Master Kong instant noodles.

Ting Hsin, controlling 35% of China's instant F&B market, will gain equity in Alchemy and manufacturing access, while Alchemy aims to integrate products into Ting Hsin's subsidiaries.

Alchemy's focus on low-GI foods aligns with global markets, offering diabetic-friendly options. Manufacturing in China could reduce expenses by 30%, according to Alchemy's CEO, Alan Phua.

The collaboration underscores the importance of international partnerships for Singapore's startup ecosystem, with Acting Transport Minister Chee Hong Tat emphasizing the need for global market reach.