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Silicon Box Revolutionizes Chiplet Packaging with Sub-5-Micron Technology

Jonathan Wong

Jonathan Wong

16 February 2024

Silicon Box unveils a revolutionary sub-5-micron technology that dramatically reduces chiplet-based system packaging costs by up to 90%. By prioritizing performance over manufacturing ease, the company's proprietary fabrication method expedites chiplet design cycles and lowers device costs.

CEO and co-founder Dr. BJ Han highlights the critical role of advanced packaging capability in chiplet adoption, emphasizing Silicon Box's ability to offer the shortest interconnections and standardized large-format production for chiplet integration, resulting in superior electrical performance, thermal efficiency, and reliability.

With electrical performance improvements exceeding 50% and a simultaneous reduction in power consumption by over 40%, Silicon Box addresses key challenges in chiplet adoption. The technology not only accelerates time-to-market but also contributes to energy efficiency, aligning with global sustainability goals.

Through its state-of-the-art semiconductor factory in Tampines, Silicon Box aims to scale production capacity and replicate its success in other high-demand regions. Head of business Michael Han emphasizes the broad applicability of Silicon Box's technology across various industries, fueling creativity and enthusiasm in chiplet adoption.

With plans to advance chiplet integration in AI, high-performance computing, mobile devices, data centers, electric vehicles, and wearables, Silicon Box leverages its US$410 million funding to drive innovation and support strategic silicon aspirations worldwide.