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Singapore's Fintech AI Funding Soars in 2023

Jonathan Wong

Jonathan Wong

07 February 2024

Despite a global decline in fintech investments, Singapore's AI fintech funding soared to $481.21 million in 2023, a 77% growth from the first half. This surge has led to businesses rapidly creating AI-driven products for a competitive edge.

The overall fintech industry in Singapore received $2.20 billion in funding from venture capital, private equity, and M&A transactions, marking a significant drop of 68% from the previous year, with deal activity also decreasing to 189 in 2023.

Despite the decline in investment size, Singapore continues to be a leader in the Asia Pacific region, accounting for a hefty 21% of all fintech acquisitions, further solidifying its position as Asia's leading fintech hub.

In 2023, Singapore's insurtech sector saw a significant rise in investment, with a 194% increase in the second half of the year, suggesting a strategic shift in the industry as companies concentrate on specific pain areas in the insurance value chain.