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Resolution Ventures Unveils US$10M Maiden Fund to Boost Southeast Asian Startups

Singapore-based Resolution Ventures has recently announced the launch of its first-ever fund, targeting early-stage startups in Southeast Asia. The maiden fund is set at US$10 million and aims to provide financial support and strategic guidance to innovative companies in the region. Led by a team of seasoned entrepreneurs and industry experts, Resolution Ventures seeks to identify promising startups across various sectors and foster their growth through hands-on involvement.

The fund's primary focus will be on startups working in sectors such as fintech, proptech, healthtech, and edtech. With a mission to bridge the funding gap for early-stage companies, Resolution Ventures aims to become a key player in the Southeast Asian startup ecosystem. By providing not only capital but also mentorship and access to a wide network of partners, the firm aims to empower startups to scale and succeed in their respective markets.

As the startup scene in Southeast Asia continues to flourish, Resolution Ventures recognizes the immense potential for innovative solutions and disruptive ideas. The fund is backed by prominent institutional investors and aims to leverage its financial resources to drive positive change in the region. By offering financial backing and strategic expertise, the firm aims to contribute to the development of a robust startup ecosystem in Southeast Asia, nurturing the next generation of successful businesses.

With the launch of its first fund, Resolution Ventures is poised to make a significant impact on the startup landscape in Southeast Asia. As the fund begins its journey of identifying and supporting promising startups, the region's entrepreneurial community can look forward to a new source of capital and guidance, further fueling the growth and innovation of the Southeast Asian startup ecosystem.