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Merkle Science

Merkle Science

Merkle Science, a Singapore-based blockchain startup, is transforming the landscape of risk management in the digital assets industry. Founded in 2018, the company provides blockchain transaction monitoring and intelligence solutions, enabling financial institutions and cryptocurrency businesses to detect, investigate, and prevent illicit use of digital assets. Through its next-generation predictive platform, Merkle Science empowers its clients to comply with regulations, assess risk and simplify their anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorism financing (CTF) procedures.

Merkle Science prides itself on its robust suite of products. Their Behaviour-based Rule Engine helps financial crime investigators and compliance officers track suspicious activity in real time. This includes illegal activities such as money laundering, terrorist financing, scams, and frauds. On the other hand, their Risk API provides a real-time risk score for Bitcoin, Ethereum, and ERC-20 transactions, facilitating safer transactions in the digital asset space.

Despite being a relatively young company, Merkle Science has established itself as a trusted partner in the global blockchain ecosystem. They have secured funding from prestigious venture capital firms including Digital Currency Group, Kenetic, and SGInnovate. The team behind Merkle Science is committed to a future where digital assets are safe, accessible and efficient, revolutionizing the way we interact with the financial system.

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