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MAS Launches Gprnt for Streamlined ESG Data Collection

Jonathan Wong

Jonathan Wong

17 November 2023

The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) unveiled Gprnt (Greenprint), an integrated digital platform, to simplify ESG data collection for sustainability initiatives. Gprnt, an outcome of MAS' Project Greenprint, will automate ESG reporting for companies, aiding timely data access for sustainability decisions. Testing with banks and SMEs is ongoing, with a gradual release starting in Q1 2024. Gprnt aims to enhance cross-border capabilities, forming Greenprint Technologies Pte Ltd with partners such as MAS, Microsoft, MUFG Bank, HSBC, and KPMG in Singapore.

Gprnt will serve as a comprehensive data layer, transforming financial data into sustainability information, integrating with various digital technologies. It plans to leverage AI, including GPT-4, and chatbots for document processing and sustainability report creation. The platform will first focus on meeting SMEs' reporting needs, partnering with organizations like ACRA and Enterprise Singapore. Collaboration with sectors like energy, industry, and real estate for targeted modules is on the horizon.

Greenprint Technologies Pte Ltd will oversee Gprnt's commercialization, supported by strategic partners. The platform aims to enhance ESG data quality, simplifying sustainability reporting for SMEs and fostering collaboration between industry and regulators. Ravi Menon, Managing Director of MAS, envisions Gprnt as a vital data bridge to direct funds toward green projects and anticipates it to drive innovation in the global ESG data landscape.