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Kopi Date

Kopi Date

Kopi Date is a Singapore-based consumer startup that has reshaped the concept of social interaction and dating. Established in 2018, the innovative company offers a unique platform where individuals can connect and engage in meaningful conversations. The brand�s name �Kopi� signifies coffee in the local language, symbolising the heart of their operation - facilitating authentic connections over a cup of coffee.

The startup stands apart with its ethos of cultivating meaningful relationships rather than quick matches. Kopi Date�s bespoke matching system is its core offering. Tailoring unique experiences, the system pairs compatible individuals who share common interests and preferences. To ensure genuine connections, these matches are carefully curated and happen over personalized meetups arranged by the team.

Kopi Date has quickly grown into a favoured social platform in Singapore, being seen as a refreshing alternative to the impersonal and fast-paced world of digital dating. The startup has harnessed its understanding of the modern professional's desire for a balanced connection, marrying traditional relationship-building values with the needs of modern life.

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