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HSBC Singapore and Antler Partner to Boost Startup Ecosystem

Jonathan Wong

Jonathan Wong

15 November 2023

HSBC Singapore has joined forces with Antler, an active early-stage venture capital firm, to support the expansion of Southeast Asian startups. The partnership offers Antler's network access to HSBC's banking solutions, including working capital facilities and venture debt, aiming to facilitate growth and provide financial expertise.

With a focus on 'day zero' founders, HSBC sees this collaboration as an extension of its commitment to supporting the next generation of entrepreneurs. Antler's current portfolio firms in Singapore will benefit from HSBC's offerings, and as they expand globally, they can leverage HSBC's extensive network and local knowledge in Southeast Asia.

Deepak Jayaraman, Global Head of Business Development at Antler, highlights the alignment of HSBC's dedication to innovation with Antler's mission to support exceptional founders. The partnership aims to provide funding solutions and a global network of capital experts to accelerate the growth of Antler's portfolio firms.

Both organizations affirm their commitment to influencing financial and entrepreneurial best practices. HSBC's $200 million lending fund, established in 2021, further supports pre-profit new economy enterprises in Singapore looking to expand across Southeast Asia and beyond.