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Grab Explores Acquisition of Delivery Hero's Foodpanda in Southeast Asia

Jonathan Wong

Jonathan Wong

22 September 2023

Germany's Delivery Hero is in discussions to potentially sell its foodpanda business in seven Southeast Asian markets, including Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, and Laos. Reports suggest that Grab, a leading Singapore-based mobility company, is exploring the acquisition, with a potential offer exceeding one billion euros.

Founded in 2012 and headquartered in Singapore, foodpanda operates across 12 markets in the Asia-Pacific region. The company became part of Delivery Hero's portfolio through acquisition in 2016.

While foodpanda has confirmed these discussions are in the preliminary stages and has not provided further details, Grab has chosen not to comment on the matter. The Competition and Consumer Commission of Singapore has stated that it has not received any notification regarding this potential deal.