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Esco Lifesciences

Esco Lifesciences

Esco Lifesciences is a Singapore-based startup that pioneers innovations in the field of life science technology. The startup was established in 1978 and has since then grown into a global entity with a presence in over 100 countries through its 20 direct sales offices. With a diverse product portfolio ranging from medical equipment to IVF technologies, Esco Lifesciences plays a pivotal role in advancing human life science both in Singapore and across the globe.

The startup prides itself on its commitment to developing cutting-edge solutions and products, with major breakthroughs in precision medicine and cellular therapies. Their strong scientific-based product development approach has led the company to establish several state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities globally. Esco Lifesciences is particularly recognized for its advancements in assisted reproductive technology, laboratory equipment, and pharmaceuticals, among others.

Esco Lifesciences is not only committed to innovation, but also emphasizes sustainable business practices. Their commitment to sustainability is reflected in their quality, environment, health, and safety (QEHS) policy, which seeks to blend technological advancements with ecological responsibility. With its groundbreaking contributions to life sciences and a firm commitment to sustainability, Esco Lifesciences continues to carve its place as a leader in biotechnology.

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