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Darrell Zhang, founder of NextBlock

6 Questions with Darrell Zhang, founder of Singapore-based NextBlock

It was our pleasure to sit down with Darrell Zhang, founder of NextBlock which is an app that connnects neighbours together. We talk about his startup, the tech ecosystem in Singapore and more.

1. Can you give us an overview of your background and how you started NextBlock?

Hello! I am Darrell – 39 years old this year and have founded 4 startups and have had 1 small exit over the past 13 years of my entrepreneurial journey.

2 years ago, a family friend of mine – an 80 year old uncle with dementia went missing in the neighborhood and was found dead in a nearby canal 3 days later. That prompted me to start having thoughts of “What if I have an effective channel to shout out for help and I had 5,000 pairs of eyes who could help keep a lookout for him?” and “Perhaps, a neighbor could have spotted him and brought him home”.

Thoughts like this kickstarted my venture in neighborhood apps and of course, harnessing upon the strengths of communities and hyperlocality.

2. What is your favorite thing about the Singapore startup ecosystem?

I like how the entire startup community is so closely knitted and connected. “If you want to go far, go together”.

There is a tremendous amount of opportunities for the startup community to work together and consolidate resources here in Singapore. I love how helpful everyone in the startup community is!

3. What tips can you give to entrepreneurs considering starting a business in Singapore?

Always remember the fundamentals of business – you know you have a good and sustainable business when you have a strategy of earning more than your company spends. Grow first, monetize later do not make as much sense as it did 10 years ago.

4. What's a great digital tool or hack you've discovered recently?

Giving out balloons are consumer roadshows is a super cost-effective hack in drawing crowds to your booth and getting sign ups (we learnt this during Artbox 2023 last week) : )

5. What are some exciting new Singapore-based companies you recommend checking out?

Not a new fresh company but I really love the energy level and excitement of what Hepmil Media Group are bringing to the SEA scene.

6. What can we expect to see coming out of NextBlock in the near future?

We have big targets for 2023 – including a 10x user base from 2022 and the entry into new markets such as Thailand. In the meanwhile, look out for more interesting features such as Explore Maps and our new rewards program really soon! : )