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Cosmos Innovation Raises $19.7M in Series A Round Led by Xora Innovation and Temasek

Jonathan Wong

Jonathan Wong

20 October 2023

Cosmos Innovation, an artificial intelligence (AI)-first company specializing in next-generation perovskite silicon tandem (PST) solar cell technology, has announced a successful funding round, raising a total of $19.7 million. The Series A round was led by Xora Innovation, an early-stage, deep-tech investment platform of Temasek, a global investment company based in Singapore.

Other notable investors joining the round include Innovation Endeavors, Two Sigma Ventures, DeepMind Chief Executive Officer Demis Hassabis, MIT professor Tomaso Poggio, Richard Socher, CEO of, and Managing Partner at AIX Ventures, and Western Technology Investments, one of the leading venture debt funds in Silicon Valley.

The funding will support Cosmos Innovation's innovative approach to developing perovskite silicon tandem solar cell technology, with the unveiling of Mobius, an AI recipe optimization platform that aims to revolutionize semiconductor development. Cosmos Innovation plans to construct the world's first self-learning fab in this space, leveraging advanced AI to create cost-effective, high-efficiency solar cells in a fraction of the time and cost of conventional methods.

Cosmos Innovation is at the forefront of AI-driven physical science-based technologies and strives to overcome challenges in bringing PST technology to market. PST has the potential to outperform pure silicon in the solar industry, and Mobius, the AI platform, has already demonstrated remarkable results, accelerating the process recipe development and enhancing performance metrics for semiconductor companies.