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Singapore's Clay Capital Closes $145M Fund for Innovative Food System Solutions

Jonathan Wong

Jonathan Wong

03 November 2023

Singapore-based venture capital firm Clay Capital has closed its second fund at $145 million, dedicated to supporting innovative technology addressing the global food system's sustainability. Clay Capital is seeking visionary European and Asian entrepreneurs who are leveraging technology to solve pressing issues in the food industry, aiming to create a more sustainable and circular approach to farming, food production, and consumption. The firm believes that food and energy security are paramount and aims to invest in technologies that promote a secure and healthy food system, benefiting both people and the planet.

The firm has a strong focus on Europe, given the region's commitment to sustainability and adaptable startups capable of expanding beyond their borders quickly. Clay Capital aims to bridge the gap between Asian and European markets, providing support to startups expanding into both regions. The firm is backed by institutional investors and has been actively investing in transformative solutions for a healthier and more regenerative agri-food system since 2014.

Clay Capital's Co-Founder and Partner, Matthieu Vermersch, highlighted the importance of addressing emissions and natural capital destruction in the food sector. The firm has invested in solutions that make the food system more sustainable and scalable, such as In Ovo's gender scanning technology and CollectivFood's agile cold chain. They have also supported innovations like Aleph Farms, Toopi's bio-stimulant, and more, contributing to a more sustainable and efficient food system.

Clay Capital's team combines extensive knowledge of the food and agriculture sector in Europe and Asia, aiming to restore health to the food system and the planet while tackling climate change. The firm's investments range from improving existing food systems to laying the foundations of industry 3.0, ultimately promoting positive impact and regenerating the planet.