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Charged Asia Raises Up to $40M to Drive EV Innovation

Jonathan Wong

Jonathan Wong

30 August 2023

Singapore-based electric vehicle (EV) startup Charged Asia has successfully raised up to $40 million in funding to accelerate the development of its EV technologies. The funding round will support the expansion of the company's innovative electric mobility solutions.

The EV startup, Charged Asia, headquartered in Singapore, has secured a substantial funding of up to $40 million to advance its electric vehicle offerings. The funds will be directed towards research, development, and scaling of EV technologies.

Charged Asia, a Singapore-based electric vehicle (EV) company, has announced an impressive investment of up to $40 million. The funding aims to boost the company's efforts in developing cutting-edge EV solutions to drive the adoption of sustainable transportation.

Singapore's Charged Asia has secured up to $40 million in funding for its EV endeavors. The investment will play a crucial role in propelling the company's innovations in electric mobility and further establishing its presence in the market.