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Artisan Green Plans Second Hydroponics Farm to Boost Production

Jonathan Wong

Jonathan Wong

19 October 2023

Singapore's Artisan Green, an indoor hydroponics farm founded five years ago, is set to expand its operations by building a second farm by the end of 2025, according to founder Ray Poh.

The new farm will have a significantly larger production area of 5,500 square meters, compared to the current 300 square meters of their first farm in Kallang.

Artisan Green plans to tender for a land plot in December, expressing confidence in their ability to secure it. Poh stated that the technologies they have developed are well-suited for scalability. If the tender is successful, construction is expected to start in the second quarter of the following year, with production scaling up by the end of 2025.

Artisan Green utilizes vertical farming technology to maintain year-round crop production and supplies fresh produce to 41 supermarkets in Singapore, as well as online platforms like RedMart and GrabFood.