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Antler Directs $5.1 Million in Pre-Seed Funding for 37 SEA Startups

Jonathan Wong

Jonathan Wong

31 January 2024

Singapore-based venture firm Antler committed $5.1 million to 37 SEA entrepreneurs, marking the largest pre-seed investment round in the region. The investment spans fintech, healthcare, AI, and more, and signals Antler's expansion into Malaysia.

Antler's focus on vertical AI and Industry 4.0 is evident in the 34% of startups in this round dedicated to these sectors, such as ZOLO and Seafoody. Additionally, the company looks for globally scalable hyperlocal solutions, supporting startups like Finna and BorderDollar.

Antler aims to help founders establish sustainable business models and foster innovation in the tech ecosystem, particularly in emerging trends like vertical AI and hyperlocal solutions. With over 1,000 entrepreneurs sponsored since 2018, Antler targets to back over 6,000 individuals by 2030.

This investment signifies Antler's dedication to empowering the next generation of tech entrepreneurs in Southeast Asia, driving growth in AI, Industry 4.0, and globally scalable solutions to address local market demands.