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Alice Labs

Alice Labs

Alice Labs, headquartered in Singapore, is an innovative e-commerce software startup that is revolutionizing the way businesses interact with their customers. The company, founded in 2018, harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to provide businesses with an advanced platform for handling customer communications and support.

The crux of Alice Labs' offering is 'Alice', an intelligent platform designed to streamline customer engagement using AI technologies. Alice is aimed at e-commerce companies, assisting them in responding to customer inquiries instantly and efficiently. By integrating with popular messaging platforms, Alice facilitates immediate customer support, reducing response time and improving customer satisfaction.

While primarily focusing on customer support, Alice Labs also harnesses AI's analytical potential to provide businesses with crucial insights about their customers. The company's unique blend of smart technology and a customer-centric approach has earned it accolades and interest from e-commerce businesses, making it a promising player in the Singapore startup scene.

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