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Accenture Acquires MarketingTech Startup Jixie to Strengthen Presence in Southeast Asia

Jonathan Wong

Jonathan Wong

22 December 2023

Accenture has finalized an acquisition deal with Singapore-based MarketingTech startup Jixie to strengthen its position in Southeast Asia. The acquisition involves incorporating Jixie's intelligent digital marketing platform into Accenture Song, Accenture's tech-driven creative business. This strategic move aims to bolster marketing transformation resources and capabilities, allowing Accenture to offer more personalized experiences for Indonesian clients, fostering customer engagement and supporting sustainable business growth.

Jixie, established in 2020, specializes in serving the Indonesian market, offering comprehensive options for marketing growth and monetization. With this acquisition, Accenture expands its investments in Southeast Asia, following recent purchases of Rabbit's Tale and Romp. The incorporation of Jixie's platform is expected to empower Accenture Song in navigating the complexities of the connected digital age, allowing clients to regain control and trust in the rapidly expanding Indonesian digital economy.

The integration of Jixie's platform with Accenture Song's marketing capabilities enables effective conversion of customer data into actionable insights. This collaboration aims to help organizations navigate marketing challenges in Indonesia's evolving digital landscape. With Southeast Asia being a key focus for Accenture, the acquisition of Jixie signifies a commitment to delivering innovative solutions for sustainable business growth in the region.

As part of its investment strategy in Southeast Asia, Accenture Song's acquisition of Jixie strengthens its presence in the MarketingTech sector. This collaboration is anticipated to contribute to the long-term success of clients, offering solutions that combine marketing, data science, and technology to redefine customer engagement models in the dynamic digital environment.